2023 Bern

SMIDDY was revived by the infectious disease researchers at University of Bern in 2023. The first meeting took place on October 20, 2023, in Bern from 8:45 to 18:30. The theme of this meeting was “Modelling infectious diseases during the pandemic: advances in methods and its role for policy making.”

The morning session was chaired by Sonja Lehtinen and the afternoon session by Andrew Azman.

8:45Welcome coffee & Admission
9:15Judith Bouman, Joseph Lemaitre, Martin Wohlfender, and Christian AlthausOpening remarks and presentation of the new SMIDDY
9:30Samir Bhatt
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Keynote: Infectious diseases and their control – a modelling perspective
10:20Flavio Finger
Médecins Sans Frontières Epicentre
From the code to the field – perspectives on the use of epidemiological models in humanitarian contexts
10:35Coffee break
11:00Javier Perez-Saez
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
When purpose matters: four goals of mechanistic modeling for public health
11:15Jacob Curran-Sebastian
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Calculation of Epidemic First Passage and Peak Timing Distributions
11:30Laura di Domenico
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern
Data-driven modeling of COVID-19 spread in France to inform pandemic response
11:45Parham Sendi and Urs Mayr
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
Building ships while weathering a storm: Gathering and analyzing data for decision-making during a pandemic
13:15Jacco Wallinga
RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), Netherlands
Keynote: Infectious Disease Data Analytics and Modeling: mpox, COVID-19
14:05David Dreifuss
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich
Wastewater-Based Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland: Variant Detection, Tracking, and Modelling
14:20Coffee break + poster session
15:20Tanja Stadler, Samir Bhatt, Jacco Wallinga, Urs Mayr and Christian AlthausPanel discussion: Modelling infectious diseases during the pandemic: advances in methods and its role for policy making
Panel chair: Christian Althaus
16:15Beatriz Vidondo
Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern
Disease Dynamics African Swine Fever: wild boar movement/fleeing behaviour and network analysis of habitat patches
16:30Marco Labarile
University of Zürich
Quantifying and Predicting Ongoing HIV-1 Transmission Dynamics in Switzerland
16:45Cécile Viboud
Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health, USA
Remote keynote: The US COVID-19 and influenza Scenario Modeling Hubs: generating long-term projections for decision-making
18:30Meeting end


PresenterPoster title
Laurent Bächler, Pour DemainIs Early Detection of Pandemics Cost-Effective? Economic Study on Pathogen Surveillance in Switzerland
Kaspar Staub, University of ZurichQuantifying and reconstructing the “Spanish flu” in Zurich, 1918-1920
Cristiano Trevisin, EPFLA spatially explicit framework for effective reproduction numbers and epidemiological reactivity
Nicolas Banholzer,University of BernEffectiveness assessment of non-pharmaceutical interventions: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
Cecilia Valenzuela Agui, ETHPhylodynamics of asymptomatic infections: a SARS-CoV-2 screening study in the Swiss army
Juan Antonio Magalang,University of BernA Markov chain model for drug resistance with therapy changes